Failed to start REST service - forum topic by badlishah
Hi, I'm a newbie. My team have installed REST and Tomcat. However, we found that REST service failed to start. We rebooted and during the reboot we could see that 'tdrestd.. FAILED'. Starting it...
View ArticleTeradata SQL Assistant - Multiple Answer Window Tiles Merge - response (3) by...
I'm having the same problem. The Query window is tabbed, so that I can have multiple queries available. I can't find a way to get the results presented in one window with tabs, though. I'm sure that...
View ArticleCollect Stats with insert statement - response (3) by kirthi
May be you can copy stats from source table if updated stats are already present in that table and you are loading entire records with out a where clause. COLLECT STATS ON Database2.Table_name FROM...
View ArticleCollapse one to many into one SQL query result row - response (1) by...
create multiset volatile table Task_Table ( Task_ID integer, Resource_ID integer )primary index( Task_ID ) on commit preserve rows; insert into Task_Table values(123, 444); insert into Task_Table...
View ArticleTO_NUMBER returns wrong value - forum topic by rob_watson
Hi, I'm trying to convert a series of hex values (stored as strings) to numbers ( BIGINT) using the TO_NUMBER function . A number of the results giivng the incorrect number SELECT TO_NUMBER(...
View ArticleError: "The installation of shared ICU-32 bit appears to have failed. Do you...
Same issue here, thanks
View ArticleExport LOB objects with size greater than 64K - forum topic by indra91
We want to offload LOB objects from Teradata tables where size is greater than 64K.I am trying to evaluate all the options at disposal here. Does FastExport utility support offloading greater than...
View ArticleCan we pass object as parameter in a macro ? - response (6) by Deepakji
Thanks Fred.. I was able to achieve through stored procedure.. thanks for your support
View ArticleRules for Multi value compression - forum topic by Deepakji
Can anyone help me on the below questions.. 1. Is MVC allowed on primary index ? 2. Having MVC on too many columns will create problem ? 3.Is appliying compression on truncate and load tables are not...
View ArticleRules for Multi value compression - response (1) by teradatauser2
1. Is MVC allowed on primary index ? - No this is not possible. 2. Having MVC on too many columns will create problem ? - No, the more columns you have compression on, the more savings you would get....
View ArticleRules for Multi value compression - response (2) by ToddAWalter
1. no MVC on PIs 2. Can have MVC on as many columns as desired, no such thing as too many columns. If there is a very large number of very large values, it is possible to exceed the total space limit...
View ArticleSQL Assistant 15.00 TD Doesn't Properly read first Parameter Key -...
Bump - No one has seen or heard of this? Update, seems to random, some queires it not an issue, others it is. I have tried things like retype it, but also copy/pate into Notepad to strip off any...
View ArticleSQL Assistant 15.00 TD Doesn't Properly read first Parameter Key -...
Which patch level of SQL Assistant? There was a fix related to quoted named parameters included in
View ArticleTerdata Studio Express laggy on mac - response (6) by fgrimmer
Jing, Studio 15.12 will be available after the Teradata Partners conference next week. Sorry for the delay.
View ArticleWhy is the first dynamic result set in a procedure is empty? - response (3)...
Sharon, Studio 15.12 will be available after the Teradata Partners conference next week. Sorry for the delay.
View ArticleStudio Express severe keyboard lag - response (18) by fgrimmer
Steven, Studio 15.12 will be available after the Teradata Partners conference next week. Sorry for the delay.
View ArticleTeradata Studio on Mac OS X -- Hangs - response (26) by fgrimmer
Christopher, Studio 15.12 will be available after the Teradata Partners conference next week. Sorry for the delay.
View ArticleTeradata 15.1 Error when trying to execute query - response (17) by fgrimmer
Vinoth, Studio 15.12 will be available after the Teradata Partners conference next week. Sorry for the delay.
View ArticleGetting row counts - response (16) by fgrimmer
Wolfgang, Studio 15.12 will be available after the Teradata Partners conference next week. Sorry for the delay.
View ArticleConnectivity issue - response (4) by ODBCTeam
@atiliomedina The .genuine_TTU file has to be owned by root and have permission of 4111 Could you kindly try changing the owner to root, if not already root. Change the file permissions to 4111. Try...
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