Let say your table has first record (2016-11-01, 1000) then you can run the below SQL once everyday which will calculate new Amount and insert it into the same table.
INS into dbname.Amt_tbl
Sel Date,(((Amount*0.1)+Amount)+Amount) from dbname.Amt_tbl where logdate In (Sel max(logdate) from dbname.Amt_tbl);
Let say your table has first record (2016-11-01, 1000) then you can run the below SQL once everyday which will calculate new Amount and insert it into the same table.
INS into dbname.Amt_tbl
Sel Date,(((Amount*0.1)+Amount)+Amount) from dbname.Amt_tbl where logdate In (Sel max(logdate) from dbname.Amt_tbl);